Coated paper is a type of paper that is coated by applying clay or a different coating to one or both surfaces. Its English name is known as "Coated Paper" and its meaning is translated into our language as "coated". It is generally used in magazine, newspaper or book printing.

The surface gloss, smoothness and slippery structure of coated paper are the most prominent features. It is produced by calculating its smoothness, weight and surface gloss and coating it with a compound or polymer. Papers used in the printing of posters, magazines or brochures in daily life are known as coated paper. Coated paper, which generally has a glossy and slippery surface, also has matte types with a processed surface. In order to get the best results in printing color pictures, coated papers with a full white surface are generally preferred.

Coated papers are produced in different weights. The place where coated paper is used the most is printing houses. The right choice of coated paper used in the printing of communication tools in printing houses makes it possible to communicate with people more easily. Coated papers, which are indispensable for the advertising industry, are generally used for printing brochures, books and magazines.


Unipa gets the mills to produce the right paper in the right size and weight for you.